Where is Candel Therapeutics headquartered?
117 Kendrick Street, Suite 450
Needham, Massachusetts 02494
Needham, Massachusetts 02494
Which stock exchange are Candel Therapeutics shares traded on and what is the company’s ticker?
When did the company go public?
July 22, 2021
When is Candel Therapeutics’ fiscal year end?
December 31st
What is Candel Therapeutics’ CUSIP number?
137404 109
Does Candel Therapeutics pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?
Candel Therapeutics, Inc. does not expect to declare or pay any cash or other dividends on its common stock, as we intend to reinvest cash flow generated by operations in our business.
Who is Candel Therapeutics’ transfer agent?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC
How can I get a copy of Candel Therapeutics’ annual report or other investor material?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at http://www.sec.gov/.
Whom should I contact if I have additional questions?
You can contact Candel Therapeutics, Inc. Investor Relations group via email at investors@candeltx.com